Saturday, February 14, 2009

Project 3- Selection Assignment

To create this picture using selection tools only I started out with the polygon lasso tool. I drew the cross shape first and to keep the lines straight I held down the shift key while I drew my lines. I also tried to use the ruler on the photoshop screen to try to make the sections of the cross as even as possible. Next I used the rectangle marquee tool to draw the fours squares. I held the ctrl key down so I could add to my already drawn cross. After that I used the ellipse marquee tool to create the circle in the middle. Since I was taking away from the cross selection I held the alt key down to create it. To make sure the circle was centered I held down the space bar key while still holding the alt key and the mouse key down and moved it until I had it centered. Next I used the polygon lasso tool again to create the triangles. I held the alt key down just as I did with the circle, so as to take away from the cross selection. I held the shift key down to keep the line, closest to the cross edge, straight. To fill the my final selection in I went up to the edit menu and chose fill.
I accomplished all of this after I ran into a small problem. The first time that I did the selection assignment I ended up having my feathering set to 10 px on my ellipse marquee tool. This resulted in my circle having a fuzzy edge when I filled the color in. I could not figure it out at first but when I redrew it and examined what the properties on the ellipse were I figured out why it had done that.

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