Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Project 6- Photo Stitching

This assignment was really fun to do and I can't wait to be able to do this same picture but in the summer when the water is not frozen and it is sunny! My process for this was pretty much on par with what John discussed in the class. After I took my three pictures the first step that I took was to resize all the images down to ten inches wide and 72 resolution so I could post them easily to the web. Next I enlarged the canvas of the left image to 30 inches wide so that I could copy and paste the other images in. Next I took the middle image and pasted it in and then lowered the resolution so that I could line it up with the left image. I then put the opacity back up to 100 percent. The middle image was lighter then the left image so I ended up changing the levels on the left image so that it was closer to the middle image. I then used the eraser to blend the seam as much as I could. I ended up having to use the clone stamp a bit as well because of the color difference in the photos. I also had to use the burn tool for the shoreline as well for it to blend nicely. Next I took the third image and did the same steps as I did for stitching the first two. I did not have the same issues with the light difference that I did with the first two so the seam blending was relatively low key. After I had the three images blended I cropped it so the road would not show since I could blend the road lines and the mountains at the same time besides who wants an ugly road in their picture anyways. I then flattened the image and went to work on editing it. I increased the saturation just a bit and also used the dodge and burn tool to work on the lighting of the picture. I then used the blend tool to get rid of the faint telephone pole lines throughout three pictures.

My last steps were to give the picture frame edges. To do this I created a new background copy and enlarged the canvas by 50 pixels (relatively) all the way around. I selected a dark blue color for the canvas color. I then applied the bevel and emboss effect to give the image a raised edge. Next I made another background copy and enlarged that canvas again but making it 100 pixels and choosing a white background color instead of the blue. I also applied the bevel and emboss effect to this one as well.

After that I made my type and did one in the upper left corner of the image and then one in the center of the white frame. Both had a drop shadow and glow effect applied to them.

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