Wednesday, March 25, 2009


The image above is my original image. It is just a top view of a fake rose.
I created this image by first selecting the rose from the original picture by using the quick selection tool and refining my edges so it was slightly feathered. I then dragged it into a new document. Next I created a new layer to go behind the flower. I gave it a gradient layer of green and black. I then used the liquefy filter to blend my gradient into some swirls. Next I increased the saturation of my flower so it would appear more pink using the hue/saturation option in the photo adjustments. Next I used the Smart Sharpen filter to sharpen my flower image by making the amount 75% at ten pixels and using the Gaussian Blur. I then cropped my image to the what it is now and also rotated the flower. I did these steps to all three of my final pictures. After that I chose a different final filter for each image. For the above one I used the paint daubs filter. My goal in selecting the different filters was to accentuate the edges of the flowers in a slightly different way.

The final filter for this one was the Dark Strokes filter. This is my favorite image because I like the contrast of the dark edges. I think it looks really pretty!

The final filter for this one is the Accented Edges filter.

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