Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mask Layer

For my first image I used the color range tool to select the shadows and highlights. I then created new layers with those selections and filled the shadow one with black while maintaining the transparency. I filled the highlights one with 50% Grey while maintaining the integrity. I then merged the two layers. Next I created a new layer with a dark navy fill and pasted the shadow/highlight layer as mask. Next I created a new layer and filled it with a light blue color and gave it texture by using the filter gallery. I then used the dodge tool to lighten the area around Elijah's face and the teddy bear.
For my second image I did the same first steps as my previous explanation but instead I used the color range option to select the midtones instead of the highlights. When I created my new layer I gave it a white fill instead of the navy fill like the last image. I then used the paintbrush tool to paint that blue. Next I created another new layer and filled it with a green color. I then used the paint brush to cover it with blue, lavender and pink. Next I used the liquefy tool to blend those all together in a nice swirly mix. Next I used the dodge tool to darken the area near the edge and then used the paintbrush tool to create a black frame of sorts. Next I used the smudge tool to blend my colors a little more and then finally I created a text layer and used the glow effect on text.
For my third image I did the same first steps as my previous images. To create the final look I had the merged layer of the shadow and midtones left on and the mask layer with blue painted background.
I had a really hard time at first with this assignment because I kept picking out pictures that did not just seem to work right when using the color range tool. Eventually I thought to use the highlight color range as an option too. I also was having a serious block on my creative juices. But after much trial and error I finally figured it out and my favorite image of the three is the one with Elijah's name on it.

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